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Dudley United v Wisanger

Wisanger with the first centre pass taking awhile to get on the score board with Dudley United’s strong defence all over the court. A very...

Finals near for netball

Net Set GoParndana 8 defeated Western Districts 5. It was a tight competition between the two west end teams. In the first quarter, Parndana’s Layla Kuchel and Sascha...

Dudley rolls Western

Perfect conditions for footy greeted players on Saturday.Western Districts may be lacking in numbers at the moment but certainly not lacking in effort, putting...

Kingscote win thriller

Kingscote 52 def Parndana 51: With the sun shining both teams had a great start to the game. Parndana capitalised on turnovers to be up by six...

Juniors prove determined

No match report.No ReportBoth teams started of strongly. Great defence by both teams. Wisanger led at quarter time 6-2. At the start of the...

Unusual power outages and more electric cars on Kangaroo Island

Islanders experienced a series of momentary power outages on Sunday and Monday, with a scheduled overnight outage on Sunday night, Feb. 10. SA Power Networks...