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A Grade netball match between Kingscote, Dudley United

Action shots from A Grade match between Kingscote and Dudley United on Saturday, as photographed by Maggie Patterson.

Action from the A Grade match between Kingscote and Dudley United

Here is a selection of action photos from the A Grade match between Kingscote and Dudley United at Kingscote on Saturday, as photographed by...

Big wins, clean sweeps in Round 10 of KI football

In a round of big wins and clean sweeps, the home sides of both fixtures had big wins in all grades of the Kangaroo...

Wisanger Under 11s travel to Saints’ new courts for evening netball

Wisanger 2 made the journey out to Gosse on Wednesday, July 3 to play Western Districts in the Under 11s, to avoid a forfeit....

A Grade action between Kingscote and Wisanger

Action photos from the A Grade match between Kingscote and Wisanger, as photographed by Maggie Patterson.

Senior Colts action from Kingscote

Here we have a selection of Colts action from the match between Kingscote and Wisanger, as photographed by Maggie Patterson.

Round 9 A Grade action from Kingscote

Here is a selection of photos from the A Grade match between Kingscote and Wisanger on Saturday, as photographed by Maggie Patterson.

A Grade and U17 netball action from Kingscote

Action photos from the Under 17s and A Grade matches between Kingscote and Wisanger, as photographed by Maggie Patterson.

Dudley returns to winner’s list for Round 9 of KI football

A Grade: Dudley has returned to the winners list, accounting for Parndana by 87 points. Club stalwart and league leading goal kicker, Clayton...

Tash Walden celebrates 300 games playing netball for Kingscote

Kingscote netballer Tash Walden celebrated playing 300 games for the Hounds on Saturday. Tash now joins Kristy Turner from Wisanger, who recently celebrated her...

Sprinting ahead

A strong return of faithful motoring enthusiasts for the Kangaroo Island Motor Club annual 2025 KI Sprints saw a fantastic return event for all....