Holiday visitors: keep left
Imagine arriving in a new country to begin your holiday, tired and befuddled from hours of air travel.You wait for your baggage, you pick up...
A low-stress way to handle stock
ADVERTISING FEATURERelated content: Learning and fun in the island’s centreLow stress stock handling (LSS) trainer Nic Kentish will be demonstrating his proven techniques and...
Learning and fun in the island’s centre
ADVERTISING FEATURERelated content: A low stress way to handle stockThe 57th annual Parndana Agricultural, Horticultural and Floricultural show is set and ready to go...
Animal strategy
Feedback from animal owners is being sought on a drafted framework for animal management during emergencies in the State. The proposed guide will help...
drive. arrive. home safely
FAIRFAX Media South Australia, publisher of The Islander, is turning its focus onto road safety awareness and education in the lead-up to the Christmas holiday period.The...
Gin-vitation to view!
You are invited to the 7th annual jewellery cocktail party and exhibition, Bling It On, hosted by Fine Art Kangaroo Island, in the Wabi...
KI ‘lands’ $22,500 for flying doctor
The KI community has shown generous support for the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS), raising an amazing $22,500 over the past year.The cheque for...
High quality Glencorrie rams sell out
THE purchase of two top-quality Coolawong stud rams continues to reap rewards for the Glencorrie Border Leicester stud, with a full clearance and $282 increase...
Great ram sale at Ella Matta
If there is such a thing as an ideal sale result then the recent Ella Matta three breed sheep sale was very close.The Heinrich...
Sunset Food and Wine a hit
With its stunning views and friendly, yet sophisticated ambience, Sunset Food and Wine on Hog Bay Road on the way to Penneshaw, is poised to...