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Last post – public safety no laughing matter

In last week’s Islander (November 24), in the special feature called ‘Booby Traps and Bull Bars’, I wrote about the fact that the posts...

New KIAHS Life member

The KI Agricultural and Horticultural Society was proud to present life membership to Helen Barrett.Helen is a worthy recipient of this honor as she has Convened...

Kangaroo Island residents warned of Centrelink scams

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is warning of scammers imitating Department of Human Services or Centrelink officers to trick people into handing over...

White Pointer shark filmed near Stokes Bay, Kangaroo Island | VIDEO

Recreational fisherman Ivan Smith received a surprise that was 40 years in the making during a weekend fishing trip in November.Ivan was about 2.5 kilometres...

TOMM: Business breakfast

TKI on behalf of the Tourism Optimisation Management Model (TOMM) committee will host a free business breakfast information session at the Ozone Hotel on...

Check out all the results from the 2016 Parndana Show

The annual Parndana Show was held on November 12 and despite the squally weather, the crowds turned out to watch the competitions, see who...

KixFM, talking heads

Member for Mayo, and part of the Nick Xenophon team, Rebekha Sharkie, recently popped into KixFM in Kingscote for a chat about her life...

MAC: Buckle up and  get some sleep

The message from police is loud and clear, all occupants of a vehicle must wear a seatbelt.Yet in 2015, 34 per cent of people...

KICE Class of 2016

Scam calls reaching Islanders

Continued from p1.Terry Brown from Kingscote recently received what he thought was a legitimate call, but it was from one of the telephone scammers,...

Sprinting ahead

A strong return of faithful motoring enthusiasts for the Kangaroo Island Motor Club annual 2025 KI Sprints saw a fantastic return event for all....