You can engage with Community Cabinet
Community Cabinet will be upon us in the next week presenting a significant opportunity for people to discuss matters with Government Ministers on a...
Transformation training
In early May, 25 business people and several KI Council staff participated in Stage One of a 90 Business Planning and Coaching program. This...
Low stress stock handling
Register now for the Kangaroo Island workshop on bettering the interaction between people and animals to improve overall farming efficiency. The workshop ‘Low stress...
Qantas to fly in to KI
Michael Pengilly MP, Member for Finniss, is pleased that Qantas Airways have announced they will commence a passenger service to Kangaroo Island Airport. Mr...
Humpback heaven!
One of Kangaroo Island/Victor Harbor Dolphin Watch’s long serving core volunteers has recently been rewarded. Roanna Horbelt from Stokes Bay has been invited to...
WW2 veterans commemorated
The Avenue of Honour at the Kingscote Soldiers Memorial Park was extended on Friday May 26 2017, with 150 commemorative bricks in honour of...
Last chance to enter our 50th Birthday competitions!
Friday May 26 is the deadline for entries to our fantastic 50th Birthday competition to win prizes including accommodation vouchers for Hanson Bay Wildlife...
8.9ha Stokes Bay property hits market
Lathami Lodge would make an outstanding residential property and has proven to be popular holiday accommodation.It’s located in a standout natural coastal bush land setting and offers spectacular views,...
Established trading at Emu Bay
Emu Bay Lavender is a 20 hectare freehold title on the main Emu Bay Road, just 15 kilometres from Kingscote and 3km from Emu Bay.Emu...
Patient recall via text
Most patients of the KI Medical Clinic would know that clinic nurses run an extensive patient recall system, to alert patients about preventative health...