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Think safety first on farm

Agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries in Australia – more than one in five workers who die at work are employed in the...

Who ultimately pays for university daze?

This column's about the downside of universities, so I should probably begin by admitting I've spent many happy years attending these institutions. During this...

Space for family in town

HOUSE OF THE WEEKLocated in a private area of Kingscote and overlooking a grassy reserve, this well appointed family size home has numerous benefits for...

Penneshaw volunteers

Without volunteers, the Penneshaw Progress Association, Inc. cannot continue to operate.The heart and soul of any community is the post office. In Penneshaw, the...

Friends: Curly Creek News

Seventeen Friends of Cape Gantheaume arrived at Curly Creek car park on Sunday July 2 to assist in planting 150 of local provenance indigenous...

Visiting spirits!

On Saturday June 17, the sun was shining with a cool breeze blowing. It was perfect weather to be out and about with 12...

Art, food, beverages from KI in Adelaide

Some truly wonderful events are happening on-island and on-mainland at present.On Friday June 30, the Island to Inland contemporary art exhibition featuring KI artists...

First meeting for arts group

A group of KI artists and arts organisations came together last month for the inaugural meeting of the KI Arts Committee, established by the...

Yumbah visit by Governor of SA

During his recent visit to KI for the Small Islands of the World Conference, His Excellency the Honorouble Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of SA...

KIPT: wharf guidelines

Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers (KIPT) will release an Environmental Impact Statement for its proposed multi-user wharf at Smith Bay, within months.The independent Development Assessment...