11 from KI up for SA Awards
In the SA Community Achievement Awards 2017, Kangaroo Island Ocean Safari, Kangaroo Island Farmers' Market, and LifeTime Private Retreats have all been nominated for the...
KI feral cat funding
Feral cat control on Kangaroo Island has been boosted with a $236,500 Australian Government grant delivered through the National Landcare Program’s Threatened Species Recovery...
The 262 comes back to town!
Social media has been filled recently with excited recollections and reminiscences about the 262 bus.Owner David Daly recently asked if anyone could remember the...
Flora and fauna on display
The Flora and Fauna Club’s August outing was at my (Gisela Robinson’s) place at D’Estrees Bay to inspect plants that we had, years ago, signposted...
Message in a bottle
Love it or hate it, alcohol is a drink which is a part of the Australian culture. Alcohol is responsible for making us feel...
New soil testing for KI farmers
New precision technology now makes mapping of pH and soil nutrients variability within a paddock or farm accessible and affordable to KI farmers.Primary Industries...
KI Arts: September
The upcoming exhibition by emerging multi-media artist Gabrielle Jones will enthrall audiences with uncannily life-like sculpture that is a tribute to the artist’s ingenuity...
Recycle and green waste bin delivery
Kingscote Men’s Shed and Advance Kingscote Progress Association have been given the contract to deliver the new larger yellow recycle bins to all properties...
Parndana Show 2017
The Parndana Show Society would like to invite people to start thinking about entering into this year’s show. The show falls on November 11,...
KI projects: where to next?
The Office of the Commissioner for Kangaroo Island (OCKI) has released its Strategic Priorities for the period 2017-2020.“This document sets a three year agenda...