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New beef industry chairman

Taking on a ground-breaking project can sometimes be scary but for Kangaroo Island’s Bruce Creek it means taking the reins of a new blueprint...

A functional family home

Great for young families, tradespeople and investment, this home has room for cars, caravan, boat and trailer. With four double size bedrooms, the master features a...

Church, community help

The Church is more than an historic building — it is people living out their faith. Uniting Church members, through Bible studies and leadership...

Passing the baton

The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation has announced the people who will be the local bearers from Kangaroo Island who will carry the Queen’s...

KI’s livestock chair

Taking on a ground-breaking project can sometimes be scary but for Kangaroo Island’s Bruce Creek it means taking the reins of a new blueprint...

Fundraising bikers

At the beginning of October a group of seven ladies joined the Island Fitness & Massage cycling team – IF&M Cyclomaniacs – as part...

Entering the 100th Show

Kingscote Bowling Club was the venue for registering exhibits for the upcoming 100th Kingscote Show.A steady stream of people entered the club from 10am, on Saturday...

Banking on Kangaroo Island’s future

What do school teachers, nurses, stock firms and banks have in common in relation to rural communities in Australia?Well may we ask what life...

Noticeboard & letters

Kangaroo Island is not only a beautiful island to visit, it may also one of the safest places to be if you have a...

High calibre stock at Bark Hut ram sale

A good even line-up of rams greeted clients at the annual Bark Hut white suffolk and composite ram sale at Andrew and Bec Bennett’s...

Sprinting ahead

A strong return of faithful motoring enthusiasts for the Kangaroo Island Motor Club annual 2025 KI Sprints saw a fantastic return event for all....