You better get your skates on
At the 100th Kingscote Show, Leon Bignell, Minister for Recreation and Sport, was happy to turn the first turf at the new skate park,...
Help KI Lions celebrate
KI Lions are ready to celebrate the 100 years of existence by Lions International with a free BBQ at the Lions Mart Shed at the...
Follow the KI Digital Trail
Finding your way around Kangaroo Island has just become faster and easier with the launch of the Kangaroo Island Food & Wine Association’s (KIFWA)...
Flora and Fauna Club Book Launch
The Kangaroo Island Orchid Book launch was held in the Lions Club Hall (formerly the RAOB hall) on Saturday October 7. To our delight...
The 100th Show a great success
What a corker of a Show it was! The weather held off, creating perfect conditions for the happy crowds to enjoy all the colour,...
Kangaroo Island Arts – November
The 2018 Kangaroo Island Easter Art Exhibition opens on Good Friday, March 30 – not far off now that November is here.Time to let...
Looking back and forward
If the people clustered around the foundation stone of the then Methodist Church could look 110 years ahead they would have been amazed at...
StandBy for better support
StandBy Support After Suicide is a national, federally funded, free service currently operating in several regions across Australia, including Kangaroo Island. It is a suicide bereavement...
Drinks project helps sales
The Office of the Commissioner for Kangaroo Island (OCKI) has worked on a Beverages Project with local producers and the KI Food & Wine...