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Road Closures: Sunday November 26

Almost 23 kilometres of road will be closed on Sunday 26 November, between 6am and 5pm, to ensure safe conditions for participants during the...

The Islander Domain – Your chance to live a true rural lifestyle

This new listing is comprised of 20 hectares of aesthetically attractive farming land, on a quiet no-through road.The property is ring fenced, watered by two dams and...

Special visit to Kangaroo Island

The Governor-General, His Excellency the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) made a special visit to Kangaroo Island on the weekend of November 11...

The 58th Annual Parndana Show: Saturday November 11

Record numbers of 1,200 people turned out to enjoy the day. At 11am the Show came to a stop for the Remembrance Day service. A highlight...

Award for KI student

Kangaroo Island Community Education student Callum Wilson is among 28 students from SA recognised for their compassion, integrity and kindness at a recent presentation...

Tourism awards for KI’s best

Dudley Wines has been crowned best Tourism Winery at the 2017 South Australian Tourism Awards.Seal Bay received a silver medal with Tourism Kangaroo Island,...

Cat trapping to protect shorebirds

Kangaroo Island community members have been working with the Natural Resources Kangaroo Island (NRKI) team to protect our island’s endangered shorebirds from feral cats...

Touche Crochet and Mosaic Mania

Are you a throwback or wanna be hippie?  Volunteers from the KI Community Centre have been madly crocheting and making mosaics so we can...

Remembrance Day on KI

At the, “Eleventh hour on the eleventh day”, Remembrance Day services were held around the island. At Kingscote a small gathering listened to the Last...

Performers needed for 2018 KI Fringe

Country Arts SA is bringing the fantastic Fringe to KI for one day early next year and if you are a local performing artist,...

Sprinting ahead

A strong return of faithful motoring enthusiasts for the Kangaroo Island Motor Club annual 2025 KI Sprints saw a fantastic return event for all....