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KI Expo a success

“The Expo was a blast!”So said Commissioner for Kangaroo Island Wendy Campana when she was interviewed on FiveAA Radio during the Expo on Monday...

First annual KI Sufferfest provides a colourful rainbow run

The Colour Run was a popular event for islanders. The short five kilometre course from the Ozone to Brownlow and back (twice), saw an...

No room at the Men’s Shed!

Mary, Joseph, the Three Wise Men and assorted lambs, cows and asses found there was, literally, no room in the Men’s Shed for them!The...

$150,000 swing bridge for KI

Kangaroo Island’s newest tourist attraction – the Kangaroo Island Sculpture Trail – has successfully secured $150,000 from the Fund My Neighbourhood grants program to...

Woodchip deal signed by ​Mitsui

Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers has signed a woodchip sale and purchase agreement with international commodities trader Mitsui.The five-year agreement establishes key terms under which...

Keys to recital success

On November 15 and 16, both the Kingscote and Parndana Anglican Churches were the venues for piano recitals of Scott Ellson's students. 18 students of varying ages...

Seafood season starts

South Australia’s seafood season has kicked off this week. Our fishing and aquaculture sectors together produce about 60,000 tonnes of seafood every year and support...

Carols on the Coast 2017

It’s on again!  After a very successful Carols on the Coast last year, the sounds of Christmas will resonate again over the waters from...

Modern home with views

A fantastic opportunity has emerged for a prospective homeowner looking to live or holiday in an idyllic part of Kangaroo Island.The standout feature of...

Yes to skate park

Works can now officially begin on the Kingscote skate park project.KI Council have granted Development Approval and Advance Kingscote Progress Association (AKPA)  are hopeful to...

Sprinting ahead

A strong return of faithful motoring enthusiasts for the Kangaroo Island Motor Club annual 2025 KI Sprints saw a fantastic return event for all....