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From the desk of Rebekha Sharkie MP

My mother likes to quote an old saying, ‘all hat and no cattle’.If I didn’t know better I would think the saying was invented...

New skate park officially opened

The Kingscote Skate and Youth Park which has been on the wish list for the community for 25 years has finally been completed with...

Conservatives: H Greaves

HEIDI GREAVES has served several terms on Onkaparinga Council. She was the Liberal candidate for Elder in 2006, for Reynell at the 2014 election,...

The Greens: A-L Harrison

AMI-LOUISE HARRISON is a qualified rehabilitation counsellor and has worked in variety of roles in the human services sector including general counselling and trauma...

SA-BEST: H Wainwright

HAZEL WAINWRIGHT has had a broad working life with qualifications in graphic design, photography, childcare and as an artist.She worked for a decade in...

From Michael Pengilly MP

Given my time as a member of the SA Parliament runs out on March 17 it is important that through your paper I offer...

Time now to say our KI goodbyes

When I arrived on Kangaroo Island 18 months ago, I had no idea what life would be like.Coming from Geelong - a busy, large town...

KI Garden Club

The Kangaroo Island Garden Club is now in its 20th year and a meeting of 21 members, was held on February 27.Lenore Boxer opened the meeting,...

Watching the waste at market day

The Kingscote Market, in conjunction with Brand SA Day, which was held at the Bay of Shoals Winery on Sunday, February 25, was the first Low...

‘Angel’ Owen scores a double century

On Monday, February 26, Owen Crees boarded his much-loved 1967 Mooney, four-seat light aircraft at Adelaide Airport, accompanied by passenger Debra Hillier, who he was flying to...

Sprinting ahead

A strong return of faithful motoring enthusiasts for the Kangaroo Island Motor Club annual 2025 KI Sprints saw a fantastic return event for all....