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Crowds flock to 2018 Easter Art Exhibition on Kangaroo Island

A huge and festive crowd attended the opening of the biennial Kangaroo Island Easter Art Exhibition at the Penneshaw Town Hall on Friday evening....

Yet another heart-starting defibrillator for Kangaroo Island

Kangaroo Island must surely have the most life-saving defibrillator machines per head of population anywhere in the world.And more people are undergoing training in how to...

Opals stolen from Vivonne Avenue residence

Kangaroo Island Police are investigating a break-in where a large quantity of opals were stolen.Sometime between 2pm on Friday, March 30 and 10.30am Sunday,...

KICE Year 12 formal held at Dudley Winery

The Kangaroo Island Community Education (KICE) Year 12 formal was held on Friday, March 23 at the Dudley Winery. It was a fantastic night and enabled...

Sharkie welcomes KI Marine Parks mining exclusion

The Federal Government’s decision to introduce a mining exclusion zone in the Southern and Western Kangaroo Island Marine Parks has been welcomed by the Member...

The Islander Domain – Perfect small hobby farm close to town

​Are you into horses? Looking for a hobby farm but still want to be close to town? This lovely package, set on 40 hectares...

An Island word from Rebekha Sharkie – extra rebate for KICE

There are so many wonderful aspects of Island life – the beauty of the environment, the strong sense of community.Islanders know they have something...

Letters to the editor from The Islander | March 28

On the recent long weekend, we noticed an Asian family spend considerable time on the rocks at Kangaroo Head. From our high vantage, we could...

Raptor Domain helps Foundation for Australia’s Most Endangered Species (FAME)

Australia has one of the worst rates of extinction in the world. Yet, it also has the most diverse. The Foundation for Australia’s Most...

Team to survey properties to find the elusive KI dunnart

A dedicated team will be surveying private private properties across KI to find the elusive Kangaroo Island dunnart.The Foundation for Australia’s Most Endangered Species (FAME) was pleased...

Sprinting ahead

A strong return of faithful motoring enthusiasts for the Kangaroo Island Motor Club annual 2025 KI Sprints saw a fantastic return event for all....