King George Whiting spawning spatial closure about to begin
Primary Industries and Regions SA reminds recreational and commercial fishers that the King George whiting spawning spatial closure will commence Monday, May 1 until...
The Islander letters to the editor | April 12
Residents and tourists alike would have been wondering why two horses were hitched to the veranda at local radio station 5KIxFM last week. Local...
Person falls from rock at Remarkable Rocks then disappears
Natural Resources KI has confirmed an unknown person fell from one of the rock structures at Remarkable Rocks on Tuesday, April 10 but then disappeared...
Send us your sport details and community diaries
Welcome to our new-look website. To submit sports details and community notices for publication click on the tab that says “Send Us Your News”...
Cruise ship numbers set to grow on Kangaroo Island
With the arrival of the last ship Pacific Eden last month, the 2017/18 cruise ship visit season for Kangaroo Island has ended. The season saw...
KI councillors discuss a wide range of issues
I had the privilege of attending my first monthly Kangaroo Island Council meeting on Tuesday, April 10 and the seven councillors present discussed a wide range...
Rock lobster exporter seeks partnerships with KI fishers
There is a new player in town is looking to purchase as many rock lobsters and king crabs from Kangaroo Island commercial fishers as possible. Mt...
Trainees learn the ropes on SeaLink ferries
SeaLink Travel Group has given six enthusiastic people a start in the tourism and transport industry with the introduction of a new trainee program.The six...
Feral pigs, water and growth: KI Commissioner
Following the survey of farmers to ascertain the economic impact of damage caused by feral pigs, we are now close to finalising a report...
Matthew Flinders’ memorial at Prospect Hill gets much-needed repair
The memorial commemorating Matthew Flinders’ climbing of Prospect Hill has a new lease on life thanks to amateur historian and mason Steve Berzel.Mr Berzel took...