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Friends of Parks KI Western Districts repair hiking trail

For last month’s working bee, Friends of Parks KI Western Districts carried out maintenance on the much under-rated Return Road hiking trail between Harvey’s...

Kangaroo Island undersea power cable on its way

A new undersea power cable to supply Kangaroo Island is on its way from China by ship, with installation expected to be completed in...

Dudley Writers’ launch “The some of us” at Parndana reunion

The Dudley Writers’ Group took advantage of the 70th Soldier Settlers reunion event to launch its latest book, titled “The some of us”.  The book of 30...

Solving the mysteries of King George whiting

Research scientists have been collecting and counting the eggs of the iconic and valuable King George whiting in waters north of Kangaroo Island. The results of exactly...

Brave girls at Penneshaw school do the World’s Greatest Shave | Photos

Three brave girls at the Penneshaw KICE campus have shaved their heads to raise funds as part of the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave.Year 8...

New contributions to the Parndana Soldier Settler Museum

Several new interesting artifacts and historic items have been donated to the Parndana Soldier Settlement Museum in recent times.And these contributions to the museum collection were highlighted...

CFS to host Bushfire Survival Plan workshop for KI residents

The Fire Danger Season has drawn to a close, but the SA Country Fire Service is encouraging people to plan their preparations for the next...

New terminal at Kangaroo Island Airport taking shape | Photos, video

The impressive new terminal building at Kangaroo Island Airport is taking shape.The state-of-the-art, high-tech building will not only be the first thing that greets inbound...

Volunteers needed for cockatoo project at American River

The Natural Resources Kangaroo Island (NRKI) Glossy Black-Cockatoo Recovery Program, currently sponsored by Kangaroo Island Plantation Timbers, is looking for volunteers.In particular, the program...

475 female koalas sterilised on Kangaroo Island

The Kangaroo Island Koala Management Project has completed its latest koala catch season, sterilising 475 females since November 2017.Natural Resources Kangaroo Island Wildlife Program...

Parndana pushes for another tennis premiership

Parndana have flown into the KI Tennis Association grand final, sweeping aside Western Districts and advancing to their seventh grand final in a row. In...

Sailing for a cause

Sprinting ahead