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P-plate driver caught drink driving at Parndana

A 19-year-old man from Kingscote was issued an on-the-spot fine for drink driving and a breach of provisional licence conditions after he allegedly produced...

Great turn up at KI Mother’s Day walk against cancer

The Mother’s Day walk against cancer on Kangaroo Island was a big success.There was a great turn up on Sunday morning with 130 participants...

Penneshaw CWA helps get defibrillator for Baudin Beach

Penneshaw CWA branch was pleased to donate half the cost of an automated external defibrillator (AED) device for Baudin Beach. The other half of...

Lack of volunteers forces closure of Granny Stirlings

It’s an end of era at Penneshaw as the Granny Stirlings shop closes down after 25 years of selling local craft, art and produce.The...

Thar she blows: it’s whale watching season in SA

South Australia’s whale watching season has officially started with the first whale recently spotted at the tip of the Fleurieu Peninsula and also at...

A tale of two systems: water supply on KI

The following is an explanation of the Kangaroo Island’s water supply system provided by SA Water to The Islander in the context of the...

CareFlight to train first responders on Kangaroo Island

CareFlight will deliver specialist trauma training to first responders on Kangaroo Island next week as part of its world class MediSim program.Health services in rural...

Letters to The Islander | May 10

Mothers’ Day carries special meaning for some in our community as it often coincides with the first sightings of the majestic southern right whales...

The Islander editorial – councillors to tour Strawbridge Point

It was a busy agenda for the KI councillors on Tuesday with many items of importance to discuss at their May meeting.The council stopped short of...

Berth changes to fit KI ferry service

The operators of the new KI Connect ferry service have conducted test crossings between Cape Jervis and Penneshaw and are keen to start operations.They have...

First hospital in SA to be fully electric

The Kangaroo Island Health Service (KIHS) is now South Australia's first fully-electric health care facility, with infrastructure such as hot water systems and steam...

Ageing forum