KI Connect ferry plans first run after yet more hurdles
The new Kangaroo Island Connect ferry service will run its first passenger service this Friday, June 1 after overcoming yet more hurdles.It’s been a...
Mining company announces drilling plans for Kangaroo Island deposit
A mining exploration company is planning to drill 10 to 15 exploration holes in the vicinity of the old Kohinoor gold mine and Grainger...
Full steam ahead for KI’s innovative crop farmers
Cropping farmers on Kangaroo Island are very busy, taking advantage of the recent rains to seed their grain, canola and legume crops.The recent rain has...
Wedding fun for KI Probus members
Seventeen members of the Kangaroo Island Probus Club plus two local visitors met in the comfort of the Kingscote Bowls club for morning tea and general...
SA Upper house member Frank Pangallo visits Kangaroo Island
Frank Pangallo MLC visited Kangaroo Island last week and says the Island has not reached its potential as a tourism destination.Mr Pangallo was recently elected to the...
SA Environment Minister visits, addresses Kangaroo Island issues
South Australian Minister for Environment and Water, David Speirs visited Kangaroo Island last week to get up to speed on a number of issues.The...
Foundation to form Local Drug Action Team on Kangaroo Island
The Australian Government and the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) have announced a Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) for Kangaroo Island to prevent alcohol...
Equinor confirms drilling plans for Great Australian Bight
Norwegian oil company Statoil/Equinor has confirmed it will proceed with plans to drill an exploration well in the Great Australian Bight.Equinor international spokesperson Erik Haaland...
Tickets on sale for KI Players’ latest production
Tickets are now on sale at Kanga Shoes for the KI Players’ latest production “Play On” by Rick Abbot to be held in the Kingscote...
Wonderful service from Rex in chaos of KI Airport building
In a small isolated community such as Kangaroo Island, it is vital to have a reliable and at least twice daily, plane service.Medical appointments...