Probus jumps into fitness

Probus president Liz Grant, Health and Wellness presenter Lesley Gray, and Probus member Viv Willson, who attends and enjoys Lesley's classes.

Thirteen Probus members and one visitor enjoyed a lively, entertaining presentation held in the Uniting Church Hall for the September meeting.

After a short business meeting, president Liz Grant introduced guest speaker Lesley Gray from Wild Dog Road, D’Estrees Bay, KI.

Lesley moved to KI in May 2019 and set up fun health and wellness fitness classes held in the American River Hall each Thursday and in Kingscote Town Hall each Tuesday.

Lesley related comical tales of her health journey and move to KI, firstly camping, then building a shed and home on her 25 acres of bush land.

She praised the help, advice and expertise of the young local builder involved.

Lesley is developing a self-sufficient fruit and vegetable garden using wicking beds because the soil in her area is best suited for the local narrow leaf mallee scrubland.

Lesley aims to teach and encourage simple movements without overdoing the exercises, and she will even offer pensioner discount.

The next Probus meeting is a visit to Stanton’s Bush Garden at Stokes Bay, now looking good after the fires of 2019-20 destroyed everything including their home.

BYO chairs, cup and picnic lunch plus $10 entry charge and meet at the KI Yacht Club parking area at 10am for a car pool.