The Islander – 7th December 2023 Subscribe or Login to see the rest of the content. Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password News Baptism celebrations 08/08/2016 A large crowd from the Kangaroo Island Uniting Churches watched on as people aged between seven and seventy were baptised in the Acacia Apartments pool. Kangaroo Island faces at the 2023 Kingscote Show: PHOTOS 01/11/2023 Maggie Patteson was on hand to get some of the many local and visiting faces at the Kingscote Show on Saturday, October 28. See... KI Spring Garden Festival continues at garden of Leonie and Gary 03/10/2022 The Kangaroo Island Spring Garden Festival continues at the garden of Leonie and Gary on Saturday, Oct. 8, 2022 from 10am to 4pm at...