The Islander – 6th June 2024 Subscribe or Login to see the rest of the content. Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password News Kangaroo Island Football League 2023 Mail Medal awarded to Tate Barrett 12/09/2023 The Kangaroo Island Football League held its Mail Medal presentation for 2023 at the Aurora Ozone Hotel on Monday night. As is tradition, legendary... State budget promises millions for major Kangaroo Island roads 24/06/2021 One of the standout projects in the 2021-22 state budget for Kangaroo Island is a $40 million commitment from the federal and state governments... Back-to-back winners for Claire Ingram Triples 04/03/2024 The Claire Ingram Triples sponsored by the Kingscote Gift Shop was played in Kingscote on Feb. 20. There were eight teams of ladies playing three...