The Islander – 5th October 2023 Subscribe or Login to see the rest of the content. Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password News McArdle family and their Polwarth sheep all set for Adelaide Show 26/08/2022 The McArdle family and their prize Polwarth sheep are all set for the 2022 Royal Adelaide Show.David McArdle and his son Jared from the... KI Netball action from Round 5 | PHOTOS 03/06/2019 A Grade - Kingscote 45 def Wisanger 35 Great tight game by both teams. Strong shooting and defence by all. Kingscote started to pull... Japanese music virtuoso in dinner concert at Emu Ridge 26/10/2022 Award-winning Japanese composer and vocalist Noriko Tadano will take to the stage this November at Emu Ridge Eucalyptus Oil Distillery.Kangaroo Island Art Feast, Country...