The Islander – 27th April 2023 Subscribe or Login to see the rest of the content. Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password News Have you got enough grain and hay? 10/01/2018 As the feed starts to dry off across the island, most farmers are starting to think and plan their hand-feeding program for the coming... ‘Lizard’ to shave off his dreadlocks for KI Cancer Support Group 19/04/2018 A good friend of all Shane “Lizard” Quirke is ready to lose his long dreadlocks as a fundraiser for the KI Cancer Support Group. He’s... Dudley Midweek Walkers tackle Kangaroo Head in May 04/06/2024 May 16 report: Can Autumn mornings get any more magnificent?! Last Thursday a group of 9 headed off west along Kangaroo Head starting at...