The Islander – 22nd June 2023 Subscribe or Login to see the rest of the content. Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password News Port Adelaide players to bring Respectful Relationships program to KI 31/10/2024 Port Adelaide Football Club former captain, Tom Jonas, AFL legend Shaun Burgoyne and current player Logan Evans are the first to be named... 2019 KI football season gets underway | PHOTOS 08/04/2019 The Kangaroo Island Football League 2019 season opener was held at the picturesque home of the Eagles, Penneshaw Oval on Saturday, April 6. The... 100th Seed Terminator machine fitted on local KI combine harvester 14/05/2020 This is a full circle South Australian success story with the design, manufacture and installation of the 100th Seed Terminator machine on Kangaroo Island.The...