The Islander – 17th August 2023 Subscribe or Login to see the rest of the content. Username Password Remember Me Forgot Password News 2000 KI residents receive first COVID-19 vaccine 05/07/2021 The SA Health vaccination clinic on Kangaroo Island so far has provided 1125 doses of the Pfizer vaccine and 882 doses of the AstraZeneca... Upgrade to transform Cape Willoughby precinct 27/10/2021 An upgrade of the Cape Willoughby visitor precinct will help to transform the tourism experience at the eastern end of Kangaroo Island.The state's oldest... Massive increase in wallaby, kangaroo cull numbers for Kangaroo Island 02/02/2023 The state government will allow 19,200 tamar wallabies, a 500 per cent increase, and 4100 kangaroos to be shot on Kangaroo Island in 2023.This...